Well, Obama delivered his long awaited speech to school children and all the hoopla was apparently just hype. I was a bit disappointed, having two young daughters ripe for indoctrination into Obama's socialist army. I sat outside the schoolhouse this afternoon, eagerly waiting for the flood of newly brainwashed 9-year olders to emerge from the school doors burning their bras and brandishing picket signs. But, I didn't see so much as a black armband or a single fist of power thrust into the air. Apparently, they were just told to do their best and to stay in school.
Seriously...I don't normally voice my political views here, but the hype generated around our President wanting to address school children is rediculous. Some guy on Fox News went as far as to say that the president shouldn't have a relationship with school children. He basically said that such practices lead to personality cults such as those which supported Hitler or Stalin. There's a huge gap between hearing a back to school speech and singing praise to our Dear Leader. I'm also not so sure there's anything wrong with our children admiring our elected leader. One of the clearest memories I have of my early school days is making a jelly bean birthday card and sending it off to Ronald Reagan. I thought Ronald Reagan was just about the coolest guy on earth. Anyone who knows me now can see just how much correlation there is between my youthful admiration of Ronald Reagan and my adult political views.