Well since everyone who's cool seems to have a blog now (except maybe for Buz), so I thought I'd start one. Rose, I, and the kids just left Aviano and we're enroute to Misawa so we're pretty excited.
"It was the longing, romantic, reasonless, which lies deep in the hearts of most Englishmen, to shun the celebrated spectacles of the tourist and without any concern with science or politics or commerce, simply to set their feet where few civilized feet have trod" --Evelyn Waugh explaining why Eric Newby attempted an ascent of the Hindu Kush with only a few days scrambling experience.
You have a blog now; therefore, it has been decided that you are cool.
It was good to see and hear from you. The pictures were great. We assume that you guys will be in Japan. We will be checking your blog again.
Wayne McCammond
You're right...I'm not very cool
Good to see you joined the crowd
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