Saturday, September 19, 2009

Nuidoishi Yama

Ryan and I made a 2-day exploratory trip to Shimokita peninsula to verify rumors of big, climbable walls. We had a late start and made most of the trip after dark. I almost ran over 5 serows and an odd anteater-looking animal. At the trailhead, we slept in the car and woke up at 0500 to see a huge, granite rock overlooking us...Nuidoishi Yama. After a 5-hour approach from hell, we found the base of the rock with nice new climbing anchors in place. There was beta in a tupperward container at the base which showed 8 pitches ranging from 5.10a-5.11b. The first pitch was 5.10a and Ryan led it pretty easy. Being beat from the approach in and pretty new to leading, we didn't attempt the next pitch. But, we did discover an easy 30-minute approach for next time. I'll bring my aid gear as well next time to ensure we can get further up the climb.

Nuidoishi Yama

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