Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Race the Base Half Marathon

Well, we had our 2nd ever Race the Base half-marathon on Sunday. They had a 5K, a 10K, a half-marathon, and a kid's 3K. Angelica and Helen ran the 3K and I ran the half-marathon.
Angelica ran well and finished strong...
Helen lost interest about half-way through the race and I had to go back and help her finish. Once we got her going again, she finished strong as well....
I ran a 1:45:02. I felt pretty good about the time considering I haven't really trained much since the Tokyo marathon in March. I figured I could live with getting beat by Buz, but it was a kick in the shin seeing the photo finish of myself getting beat by this guy...
I hope I can run like that when I'm 80. I've decided to hit the running hard again with plans to run the Hokkaido marathon next August.

1 comment:

Buz said...

You still have that sub 9 PFT...