Friday, August 22, 2008

6th Annual Wild Weasel Triathlon

I ran my first triathlon today. I'm no expert on triathlons, but the distances were:
• 400m Swim • 13k Bike • 5k Run
I finished at 1:08. I really enjoyed it and I think this is something I could get into on a more frequent basis. But, I learned some lessons...
400 meters is a lot further than it looks when you're swimming.
You simply can't be competitive on a mountain bike.
I was able to catch alot of folks during the final run, but I'm thinking seriously about investing in a good road bike and some more time at the pool.
Me and the Lt.

We're off!

Running for my bike.

The transition area is another place where you really need to have a gameplan to save time. Off on my mountain bike!

And the finish line! I think my run split was pretty strong @ under 21 minutes.


Marianne and Bryant said...

Way to go Eric! I'll be looking for you at the races.


Buz said...

Awesome...looks like fun...maybe if I ever learn to swim I'll try one

Buz said...

Just in case follow the URL...Bryant showed me